Company Information

企業情報の画像 企業情報のスマホ画像


The group-wide logo was created in 1984. With a group name deriving from “Advanced Technology,” our logo expresses our contributions to the development of science and technology—achieved by integrating the technical capabilities cultivated since our founding with cutting-edge science/technology, new materials, and technical innovation in all fields.

The “A” logo for ADVANTEC scientific equipment


This logo has three meanings, indicating the value that ADVANTEC scientific equipment provides to society.

  1. “Improve”: Improving the environment. Business that makes research environments better. Terms and conditions
  2. “Maintain”: Maintaining quality. Business that keeps research quality at the highest level.
  3. “Communicate”: Communicating value. Communicating the value offered to customer businesses as they develop for the future.

We improve not just products, but the entire research environment. We maintain not just product quality but the customers’ research quality. And we communicate the value we offer, for the development of customer businesses.


This logo represents creating better research environments—by considering every aspect with the people involved, and working together. As a general dealer of scientific equipment, we offer this service as a one-stop solution to problems with research facilities.