
Customer support

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Inquiries about products

We are available for telephone inquiries from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.
We are not available on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or days when our company is closed for business.

About filter paper and filtration system

Quality assurance division
FAX: +81-3-5521-2177

For inquiries regarding product contents and specifications, and for inquiries regarding breakdowns and repairs, please contact your nearest sales office or Quality Assurance Office.

Contact by email

Other opinions and requests

Contact by email

Please use the document request form to request various documents such as company information, general catalog, single item catalog, etc.

About the links

Please use the document request form to request various documents such as company information, general catalog, single item catalog, etc.

  • If you would like to link to the website of ADVANTEC Group, please submit the company name, person in charge, contact method, URL to place the link, and the purpose of the link in the following email or in writing, and we will permit it Please go on.
    E-Mail : webmaster@advantec.co.jp
    FAX: +81-3-5521-2160
  • Please link to the ADVANTEC Group website on the top page.(http://www.ADVANTEC.co.jp)
  • ADVANTEC Group may revoke the permission of the customer to link to our website at any time based on its own judgment.
  • Please note that it may take some time depending on the content of your inquiry.
  • When making an inquiry by phone, please check the number and make sure you make the correct call.

Flow of purchase

We will inform you about the flow when purchasing our products, inquiries about quotation and consultation.

Click here for details